Georgia EPLI Insurance
At a time when litigation against employers is higher than ever and continuing to rise, it is necessary to have the appropriate coverage to protect against civil suits from employees and third parties. Employment Practices Liability Insurance provides protection from a number of wrongdoings including:
- Wrongful termination
- Sexual harassment
- Libel and slander
- Breach of contract
- Emotional distress
Coverage options include:
- Third party (employee harasses customer)
- Defense added to limits (insurer handles claims, not the insured)
- Punitive damages
- Prior acts coverage (claims occuring before the inception of the policy)
If you have more than 15 employees, your carrier should provide you with counseling and a library of information concerning compliance, made accessible through your desktop.
Usually, a stand alone EPLI policy is better than the coverage added to Directors and Officers liability coverage. To find out what policy is best for your companies' needs, give us a call today at Viall Insurance Agency! Call it your assistant-manager-isn't-as-charming-as-he-thinks-he-is coverage.